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How to Create Your Own Radio Station in Apple Music

Apple Music gives a never-ending experience to its users in two forms: Semi-automated pre-generated music stations and the second one is creating your own music according to your choice and genres. It is called Custom Animations. The pre-generated music stations are customized by various genres like electronic, alternative, news, and sports. But the only radio set up that supports live DJ is the Beat 1. It uses the blend of pre- automated music station and the custom one.

Listening pre-generated Apple Music stations

You may use any of your devices, including iOS and Mac, in order to listen to pre-generated radio stations over all the Apple devices.

Using iOS devices for listening to radio stations

Follow these steps to know how to listen to radio channels on your iPhone or the iPad:

First of all, hit the “Music” application on the home screen of your device.Now you have to hit the “Radio” button located at the lower portion of your screen.Then hit any of your desired stations to listen to the radio content.

Listening radio channel on Mac

Apple replaced its primary music platform iTunes to the Music app in its macOS, Catalina. Continue with these steps in order to know how to use Apple radio channels on your Mac:

Firstly, you have to hit the “Music” app by navigating to the Applications window.Then tap the “Radio” icon present at the left-hand side of your app screen.

Creating customized radio channels on the iPhone and iPad

Go to the home screen of your device and then hit the “Music” app to launch.Now you have to search for your desired song or the genres which you wish to listen to it. Now hit the menu tab and proceed further.Next, you have to choose “Create Station” option.

Using Mac to customize a radio station  

First of all, hit the “Music” app by navigating to the Applications page.Then hover on your desired genre of music and hit the menu tab.Now, you have to choose “Create Station” option.

Customizing a fresh radio station through the Music app

The Music app provides you the feature to store your music data, which you wish to hear shortly. When you hit the heart-shaped love icon, Apple music will automatically save and then customize your custom-created music data.

To do so, follow these steps:

Navigate to your application drawer located on your home screen. Then hit the “Music” app there.Next, you have to tap the menu tab to select the song or music genre of your choice.Select any of the songs you like.Then hit the Love icon – a heart-shaped logo to like the song. The device will automatically save your song data in its Music app for further use.

Looking for recently used Apple Music radio channels

You may find your recently used radio stations under the “For You” section of the Music app. 

Searching for recently used radio stations on iPhone or iPad

Firstly, hit the “Music” app located on your gadget’s home window.Now you have to hit the “For You” tab.Go to the recently played section and then press your desired radio station.In case you are unable to search it, hit the “See all” option.Now touch the selected option (Song or genre) to play.

Looking for radio stations on Mac

Navigate to the Applications window and hit the “Music” app to launch.Then go to the left portion of your app and choose the “For You” section there.Then go to the Recently Played section and then hit your desired radio station which you wish.Tap on the “See All” button in case you don’t see your desired song or genre.Now hit the song, music, or any of the favorite genres to play.

Searching your recently played music on radio channels

You can’t repeat or replay a song that you have played earlier, like a playlist. Here Apple doesn’t keep your music data in its Music app.

Removing or hiding radio stations 

There is no way to remove or hide your radio channels on the Music app provided by apple.You may only delete your created/customized genres or music that you have saved. You can’t delete the songs or genres from the recently played list. You may only hide them under the background.

JEANNE E. WINFIELD is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for McAfee security products at
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